• 1. What is e-Pay?

    e-Pay is an BDBL mobile banking app that enables users to conveniently use for fund transfer, Loan repayment and settle utility bills through online transactions.

  • 1. What is e-Pay? (copy)
  • 2. Facilities available in e-Pay?
  • 3. How to de-register e-Pay?
  • 4. How can we change Mpin and Tpin through e-Pay?
  • 5. How to do card less withdrawal from ePay?
  • 6. Can I use e-Pay outside Bhutan?
  • 7. Is it possible to get OTP through email?
  • 8. Whom to contact in case of any problem in e-Pay?
  • 9. Why de-registration is important?
  • 10. How to get deducted amount back while doing fund transfer to other banks or within BDB?
  • 11. How can we reactivate dormant account?
  • ATM
  • 1. What are the facilities offered through ATM?
  • 2. What is the eligibility for ATM card facility?
  • 3. How do I receive the ATM card?
  • 4. What is the daily cash withdrawal limit?